In this tutorial we will be using TAGS to extract data from Twitter and build an archive of tweets for analysis. TAGS is a free Google Sheet template which lets you setup and run automated collection of search results from Twitter.
To run this tutorial you will need to have Google and Twitter accounts.
Go to TAGS (http://tags.hawksey.info/), click on Get TAGS, and click on TAGS v6.1.
Currently TAGS isn’t a verified application so you need to give TAGS permissions to make some changes to your Google account. Continue by clicking on Advanced on the This app isn’t verified screen and following the instructions.
A new browser tab should open, click on Make a copy.
After your copy has been made open TAGS > Setup Twitter Access and follow the onscreen instructions (when electing this option you’ll be promoted to authorize the script to run several services). The good news is you only need to run the setup once.
Click on Continue in the dialogue pop-up that opens, and then on Allow to enable TAGS to operate within the spreadsheet.
Once your copy has been made open TAGS > Setup Twitter Access. You now need to connect your Twitter account to your new TAGS sheet.
Follow the steps to authorise the app by inputting your Twitter username and password and click Authorize app.
Success! You’re ready to go..
TAGS allows you to collect tweets by searching for Account names (@SOMEONE) or hash-tag (#SOMETHING). Remember that TAGS can only provide tweets from around about the past week. Enter your query for the type of tweets you’d like to collect on the Readme/Settings sheet..
.. and hit TAGS > Run Now! Once it’s done you can see how many tweets you collected under Stats / Number of Tweets.
TAGS saves the results to the Archive sheet. Download the archive as an Excel or csv file as a backup and/or to clean or play with the data.
If you’re not happy with the results or would like to search for something else, simply wipe the sheet and start again.
PRO-TIP: To build a larger archive of tweets under TAGS select Update archive every hour.
Source: https://tags.hawksey.info/get-tags/